
第五百一十章 :告别三祖


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503 - onnect failed (


*for privoxyand script output

* $id: 4 11:09:40 fabiankeil exp $



* general rules: font, olor, eadings, argins, inks


body,td,th { font-family: arial, helvetica, helv, sans-serif }

body { background-color: #ffffff color: # }

{ font-size: 140% margin: 0px }

{ font-size: 120% margin: 0px }

{ font-size: 110% margin: 0px }

p,pre{ margin-left: 15px }

{ margin: 2px 15px }

{ margin: 2px 15px }


{ color: #0000dd text-decoration: none }

a:visited { color: # text-decoration: none }

a:active{ color: #3333ff text-decoration: none }


* boxentable elements:


td.title { border: solid black 1px background-color: #dddddd }


{ border: solid black 1px background-color: #eeeeee }


{ border: solid black 1px background-color: #ff }

td.arning { border: solid black 1px background-color: #ffdddd }


* special table boxen: for nesting, naked container and for

* the status fieldgi utput:


td.rapbox { border: solid black 1px padding: 5px }

td.container { padding: 0px }

td.status{ border: solid black 1px background-color: #ff0000 color: #ffffff font-size: 300% font-eight: bolder }


* same boxens:



{ border: solid black 1px background-color: #dddddd margin: 20px padding: 20px }


{ border: solid black 1px background-color: #eeeeee margin: 20px padding: 20px }


{ border: solid black 1px background-color: #ff margin: 20px padding: 20px }

div.arning{ border: solid black 1px background-color: #ffdddd margin: 20px padding: 20px }

div.rapbox{ border: solid black 1px

margin: 20px padding:5px }


* bold definitionss, greyfor table headings, transparent (no-bordered table


{ font-eight: bold }

{ background-color: #dddddd }

{ border-style: none}


* special purpose paragraphs: small for page footers,

* important for quoting rongdangerous examples,

* hiteframed for the toggle?mini=y


p.small { font-size: 10px margin: 0px }

p.important { border: solid black 1px background-color: #ffdddd font-eight: bold padding: 2px }

p.hiteframed { margin: 5px padding: 5px border: solid black 1px text-align: center background-color: #eeeeee }


* inksbuttons:


td.buttons {

padding: 2px

a.cmd, tddentbuttons a, td.buttons a {

hite-space: norap

idth: auto

padding: 2px

background-color: #dddddd


text-decoration: none


1px solid #ffffff

border-left: 1px solid #ffffff

border-bottom: 1px solid #

border-right:1px solid #

a.cmd:hover, tddentbuttons a:hover, td.buttons a:hover {

background-color: #eeeeee

a.cmd:active, tddentbuttons a:active, td.buttons a:active {


1px solid #

border-left: 1px solid #

border-bottom: 1px solid #ffffff

border-right:1px solid #ffffff


* special red emphasis:



{ color: #ff0000 }


*sho-statuse tables directly behind headlines

* and for some reasonanother the headlines are set

* "margin:0" and leave the tablesairbreath.

* a proper fix ouldto replaceremove the "margin:0",

* butthis affects every cgi page eit another time

* and use this orkaround until then.


.box table { margin-top: 1em }


*theand pattern input fields scale ith the broser

* idth and tryprevent vertical scroll barsthe idth

*less thancharacters.



{ idth: 95% }


thisprivoxy 3.0. (, port 3128,


onnect failed

your request for /skin/hongxiu/include/ could

notfulfilled, because the connection ( could not failure,you might just


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